Color Magnet with Indonesian Tjaps

We love tjaps, you might have noticed, but sometimes we just don't want to pull out the wax to play around with them. We also love Jacquard's Color Magnet, and we thought tjaps and Color Magnet would be a match made in heaven. We weren't disappointed! This is a fun, easy project and a great way to liven up a plain garment or print some fun yardage.

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Let's get started!

What you'll need

First be sure to pre-wash all your garments with Dharma Professional Textile Detergent to make sure there isn't any fabric softener or other finishing products on the fabric, or oils or fingerprints. Dry as you normally do.

Blanks or Fabrics

Wrap the plastic glass in the aluminum foil. This helps with clean-up and the texture helps get more Color Magnet on the brayer. Put a few spoonfuls of Color Magnet on the foil. You don't need tons, but you want to cover the brayer with a thick layer.

The color magnet

Flat surface for the color magnet

Lay out your garment with some folded towels under the section you want to stamp. Old tjaps are often not really flat. Some cushion to push and rock the tjap on will help get a better print.

To keep the Color Magnet from going through the garment to the other side, put a piece of Freezer Paper, or something else impermeable to liquids inside the garment, under the area you want to print.

Next, grab your tjap and play around with where you want to stamp it. Once you know where you are going to place it, take your loaded brayer and go over the surface of the tjap. Make sure to roll across the whole surface and over the ends of the design so you don't miss any details.

Roll on the magnet

Don't be afraid to go over it a few times; it's hard to see just how loaded the tjap is and you don't want to have too little on there.

Position your tjap an inch or so above the garment and then press it straight down. Gently rock it and press all around edges and in the middle to make sure you get good contact with the whole tjap face. Carefully lift up the tjap to reveal your print.

Find where you want your stamp

Press firmly

Get all corners touching the fiber

Hold shirt down and lift slowly

Clean prints take practice

Pro-Tip: You can do a test print on a piece of paper before doing a print on your garment. Just be sure to brayer on more Color Magnet after the test.

Test stamps work well on paper

Set your garment aside to dry while you do more printing. You will run out of garments before you run out of ideas for ways to print with your tjaps. Try combining tjaps on one garment for different effects. Try multiple prints of the same tjap, some with less Color Magnet to shadow the more distinct ones.

Roll more on and go to town!

Sleeve prints? Why not!

Once the Color Magnet is dry you simply tub dye your garments with Fiber Reactive Dye. For more information on tub dyeing check out our instructions here.

The real magic happens in the dye bath! You'll see the print start to appear after just a few minutes in the dye bath and it will darken even further when you add the soda ash. You can also use Color Magnet with iDye, Dharma and Jacquard Acid Dyes and on silk, cotton or rayon.

Time to dye!

Lookin' good

After you rinse, wash (with hot water and Textile Detergent) and dry your garments you will be ready to hit the streets in your new monochromatic style!

Finished project 1

Finished project 2

Finished project 3

Finished project 4

Finished project 5

Finished project 6

Finished project 7

Finished project 8

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Image of a notebook and pencil

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